BirdLife Partners in Europe
Andorra: Associacio` per a la Defensa de la Natura (ADN)
Austria: BirdLife Österreich
Belarus: Akhova Ptushak Belarusi (APB)
Belgium: BirdLife Belgium (BNVR-RNOB-BNVS)
Bulgaria: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB)
Cyprus: BirdLife Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO)
Denmark: Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (DOF)
Estonia: Estonian Ornithological Society (EOS)
Finland: BirdLife Suomi-Finland
France: Ligue Pour La Protection des Oiseaux (LPO)
Georgia: Georgian Centre for the Conservation of Wildlife (GCCW)
Germany: Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)
Gibraltar (To UK): Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society (GONHS)
Greece: Hellenic Ornithological Society
Hungary: Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME)
Iceland: Fuglavernd – BirdLife Iceland
Ireland: Birdwatch Ireland
Israel: Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI)
Italy: Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU)
Latvia: Latvian Ornithological Society (LOB)
Lithuania: Lithuanian Ornithological Society (LOD)
Luxembourg: Letzebuerger natur- a Vulleschutzliga (LNVL)
Netherlands: Vogelbescherming Nederland (VBN)
Norway: Norsk Ornitologisk Forening (NOF)
Poland: Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP)
Portugal: Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves (SPEA)
Romania: Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR)
Russia: Russian Bird Conservation Union (RBCU)
Slovakia: Society for the Protection of Birds in Slovakia (SOVS)
Slovenia: DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia
Spain: Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia (SEO)
Sweden: Sveriges Ornitologiska Forenings (SOF)
Switzerland: Schweizer Vogelschutz (SVS)
Turkey: Doga Dernegi – Nature Society
Ukraine: Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds
United Kingdom: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Bird Links Search
Bird Links to the World: Global Links
Lynx: Lynx Edicions
International and Other Sites
BirdForum: The Net’s Largest Birding Community, Dedicated To Wild Birds
Birdingpal: Go birdwatching with a Birdingpal all over the world!
BirdLife International: Conserving the world’s birds
CPF: The Canadian Peregrine Foundation
Digiscoping and Digital Birding: New concepts in Wildlife photography
Fat Birder: Linking Birders Worldwide
Surfbirds: The World Birding Website
World Wildlife Fund : Endangered Species, Wildlife Conservation, Animal Habitats
Maltese Environmental Sites
Animal Rights Malta: A site by Kenneth Cassar about animal rights and welfare in Malta.
Birding in Malta: by Charles Coleiro. A site giving brief information about the most important birding sites in Malta.
Checklist of the Birds of Malta: Checklist of the birds of Malta with photos, compiled by Denis Cachia.
Din l-Art Helwa: is a non-governmental organisation with the aim of safeguarding the natural, historic and cultural environment of Malta and Gozo.
Dinja Wahda: A site describing the 18 „green“ activities connected with BirdLife Malta’s Dinja Wahda educational campaign. A useful site for teachers.
Diomedea: A site about the marine ornithology of the Maltese Islands, created by John J Borg.
Discovering Malta’s Flora and Fauna: A site with photo galleries of flora and fauna found in the Maltese Islands, created by Aron Tanti.
Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar: FAA is a non party-political pressure group composed of citizens committed to preserving Malta and Gozo’s urban and rural heritage, as well as our health and quality of life.
Malta birds on postage stamps: A page depicting maltese postage stamps showing birds.
Malta Environment & Planning Authority: Incorporates the Environment Protection Directorate and the Planning Directorate.
Malta Wild Plants: A site about the wild plants of Malta.
Nature Trust (Malta): The official website of Nature Trust (Malta), an NGO for the protection of nature in Malta.
PROACT – Malta: Action to increase pressure on the maltese authorities to stop the biannual bird slaughter in Malta.
Ramblers‘ Association of Malta: promotes rambling activities in Malta and lobbies for the protection of the natural and cultural heritage of the Maltese Islands.
Thats Rubbish: A group of enthusiastic volunteers who organise regular beach clean ups on the island to deal with the environmental threats to our precious coastlines and marine life.
The Gaia Foundation: Works for the protection of Malta’s environment and promotes sustainable living.
The Maltese National Bird – The Blue Rock Thrush: Information about the Blue Rock Thrush compiled by Mr. D. Stevens, Environment Officer, EPD.
Virtual Environmental Education Resource Centre: A website created by Nadine Grech, a B.Ed Primary 4th Year student, who is presently working on a dissertation about „A Virtual Environmental Education Resource Centre“.
Yelkouan Shearwater (LIFE) Project: Information about the EU LIFE project at Rdum il-Madonna for the conservation of the Y
European Sites
AERC: Association of European Rarities Committees
BOU: British Ornithologists Union
BTO: British Trust for Ornithology
Club300: Club300 Germany
Dean Birders: Disabled Forest of Dean birders
EBCC: European Bird Census Council
EBN Italia: The unexcelled web site for birdwatching in Italy
Environmental Jobs: Environment Jobs UK website.
Euring: Co-ordinating bird ringing throughout Europe
Europa: Europe’s most threatened birds
INBO: Institute of Nature Conservation (Brussels-Belgium)
Ornithomedia: The web of the ornithology
Protection des Oiseaux: Ligue Royale Belge pour la Protection des Oiseaux
WPB: Western Palearctic Birds
WWF Italia: For a living planet